What Is MedPay? A Quick Explanation From a Personal Injury Lawyer Los Angeles Trusts
When looking for personal injury lawyer Los Angeles turns to, residents often feel overwhelmed by the legal jargon used to discuss injury claims. Medical payments coverage for car accidents, more commonly known as MedPay, is one of those terms that many of our clients are unfamiliar with.
It’s important for a personal injury lawyer Los Angeles offers to help clients understand what MedPay means and the type of coverage and protection it provides.
What Exactly is MedPay?
MedPay is something that can be added onto your auto insurance policy and it pays for medical costs if the driver (or any passengers) are injured in a collision.
As any good car accident lawyer Los Angeles residents rely on will tell you, auto insurance policies can be difficult to understand because of all the fine print and restrictions, especially if it involves payment that is only made when the insured is not at fault. MedPay is one of the types of coverage that is available regardless of who was responsible for the accident.
Who needs MedPay?
It is helpful to contact an experienced personal injury lawyer Los Angeles residents turn to when deciding whether to add MedPay to your insurance benefits. Some states require MedPay to be part of every driver’s auto insurance coverage, while other states consider MedPay optional, and still others do not allow drivers to use MedPay coverage.
If your state allows drivers to have MedPay, it can be useful for covering medical bills resulting from a car accident. If you are driving a vehicle at the time of a collision and you carry MedPay coverage, you and any passengers in your vehicle at the time of the accident may be able to receive financial reimbursement for medical bills you have incurred as a result of the accident. Any good personal injury lawyer Los Angeles can provide will attest that this extra insurance coverage is beneficial for drivers, regardless of a driver’s age or the type of vehicle they drive.
If MedPay is Optional, Why Do So Many People Consider it Necessary?
Even in those states where MedPay is optional, the coverage can provide additional financial support in the event of a car accident. So, it may be wise to consider adding it to your policy depending on what the rest of your coverage provides. If you have worked with a car accident lawyer in Los Angeles before, you likely know that insurance policies have many limitations and lots of fine print. Obtaining an injury settlement after a car accident can be very complicated and can take a long time; and, when you’re injured and have mounting bills this presents a very stressful and frustrating situation.
Have more questions about MedPay? Contact an Experienced Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyer Today.
If you’ve been injured in a car accident, it’s important to contact an experienced Los Angeles personal injury lawyer to find out what benefits you may be entitled to receive. MedPay can provide essential financial coverage in many situations but it doesn’t apply in all situations, so it is important to understand if and when you can be covered under MedPay. Experienced personal injury lawyers in Los Angeles can easily and clearly explain this to you. So, if you are interested in learning more about how an attorney can help you, set up a free case evaluation with a top personal injury lawyer Los Angeles has to offer.