How do I Pay for Auto Repairs and Medical Bills after a Car Accident?
After getting injured in a car accident, you may not know how you’re going to cover unexpected bills, which is why having a car accident lawyer Santa Monica CA drivers recommend might make all the difference. Finding an attorney committed to helping personal injury victims recover damages after a car accident may be your best option. Contact an attorney today to make an appointment for a free, no obligation consultation.
Your Santa Monica CA car accident lawyer can help you determine what financial resources are available to you and what you can expect from a settlement. As a general guideline, compensation for your losses may come from any combination of the following sources:
- The at-fault party’s insurance coverage. Ideally, the at-fault driver’s insurance company pays you promptly and in full for all of your medical and property damages. Unfortunately, the settlement offer from their insurance company will likely be less than you deserve. A car accident lawyer Santa Monica CA turns to for legal help may be able to negotiate a higher settlement for you.
- Your own insurance policy’s underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage. If the at fault driver doesn’t have adequate insurance coverage, your own insurance coverage might pay your costs. This coverage is similar to the insurance you may use if the other driver left the scene of the accident without providing their insurance or contact information. If the police aren’t able to locate them, your uninsured motorist coverage may kick in.
- Worker’s compensation. If you were driving on official company business, and in the process were injured in a car accident, you may qualify for worker’s compensation. In this scenario, it might be beneficial to consult a top car accident lawyer Santa Monica CA has to offer to determine if worker’s compensation is your best option. Depending on the severity of your injuries, an attorney may advise you to pursue a lawsuit rather than file a worker’s compensation claim.
- Out of pocket. In car accidents that result in minor injuries, it may be advisable to pay your costs out of pocket while waiting for an insurance settlement. If you suffered anything more than a minor injury, a car accident lawyer Santa Monica CA respects will likely advise that you pursue immediate legal action against the at-fault driver instead.
- Your health insurance policy. If you have private health insurance, they may cover your medical treatment costs. This might be a good option if you need immediate medical care because an insurance company settlement or lawsuit usually takes some time. A car accident lawyer in Santa Monica CA may provide you with an estimated timeline for recovering your costs from the at-fault driver. Once you’ve recovered your money, you may be required to reimburse your health insurance company for the costs that they covered.
An attorney may help you recover your medical and property damage costs after an accident. If you were injured through no fault of your own, it may be crucial to contact one immediately to get the process started. A car accident lawyer Santa Monica CA drivers turn to for justice may be ale to help you receive fair compensation, so call today to set up a free, no obligation initial case review.