Car Accident Lawyer
Feeling drowsy while driving can be risky and increases the risk to your living being. As a top-rated car accident lawyer explains, drowsy driving may lead to a fatal accident causing many injuries or even death. It is disturbing to see how common drowsy driving is among people.
A few seconds of drowsiness can cost you your life; microseconds are all it takes on the road to meet with an accident, and hence it’s crucial not to be sleep deprived before you start your journey. Sleep deprivation is a significant cause of drowsiness, similar to being drunk. It makes the person less attentive and very easily distracted.
Importance of Sleep and How Much of it Do You Need?
Sleep is crucial to your well-being and for you to avoid drowsy driving, hence preventing the risk of accidents. A sleep-deprived person will end up with fatigue, which has costly effects on the safety and well-being of you and others around you.
Getting adequate sleep before beginning your journey is crucial to saving yourself and others around you from any danger/ risk. As doctors recommend, healthy sleep is anywhere between 7-8 hours at least. Although the amount of sleep varies from individual to individual, the sleep cycle also changes throughout life. An adult needs to sleep 7-8 hours each night. On the other hand, newborns need between 16 and 18 hours daily.
Tips to Avoid Drowsy Driving
Everybody knows the risk involved in drunk driving. Drowsy driving is no less than drunk driving. Both stakes are high and make it risky for you to react to a situation suddenly. A few tips to avoid drowsy driving are
- Be well rested and complete your sleep before you begin a journey. Try to avoid staying up late before you have to start a trip. If you must travel at night, try completing your sleep during the day. Try to get at least eight hours of sound sleep.
- Even if you feel drowsy while driving, pull off the road to a safe space and try taking a nap for 20-25 minutes.
- Do not count on caffeine. Caffeine increases anxiety and can make you feel all the more anxious.
- If going on long trips, try to take breaks in between to get sleep.
- Check the weather before leaving to ensure unnecessary halts.
Drowsy driving can affect anyone at any time. But, certain people can be at a higher risk of meeting with accidents. It is imperative that you have a full-fledged sleep before you go on your journey and do not, in any case, drive when you haven’t been able to get adequate sleep for more than a few hours. Sleep deprivation can be a huge problem and create havoc in your life. It is essential that you do not feel drowsy while driving and try to be as awake and as attentive as possible.
Drowsy driving can lead to a fatal accident, costing you your life or others around you. You surely don’t want to be the reason for anybody’s demise.
Thanks to Brad Lakin at Champions for the Injured for this Information.