When you are in a car accident, it can quickly turn your life upside-down. You have been injured, you no longer can drive your vehicle, you may not be able to work, and yet the bills continue to pile up and you must find a way to provide for your family. There are several important reasons to hire a lawyer after a car accident according to our friends at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law:
An experienced car accident attorney can immediately assist you in investigating your case. Car accident claims can be surprisingly complicated, with multiple parties involved and often many factors affecting whose fault the wreck was. Getting a car accident attorney to help you early in the process with ensure that you leave no stone unturned and do not miss crucial evidence.
Gathering evidence
A knowledgeable car accident attorney will also understand exactly what type of evidence is necessary to pursue your claim. This will include, but is not limited to, the police report, witness statements, medical records, and photographs of the vehicle damage and your injuries. Organizing this evidence into a compelling demand package will be crucial to the success of your car accident claim.
Negotiating with the insurance company
Almost all car accident claims will involve an automobile or commercial insurance company. The insurance company employs adjusters and other individuals who are specifically trained in dealing with car accidents and who are only interested in reducing the value of your claim. It is important that you have a car accident attorney who is experienced in dealing with the insurance companies’ tactics and knows how to negotiate with them. Furthermore, allowing your car accident attorney to handle communication with the insurance company will save you significant time and frustration so that you can focus on your recovery.
Legal strategies
Although most car accident claims result in voluntary settlements, not all of them do. It is better to involve a car accident lawyer early in the process to allow him or her to review the legal aspects of your claim and proceed in the best possible way to protect your rights in case your claim does not settle. Waiting to hire a lawyer until after you have given the insurance company a recorded statement or your claim is denied can be detrimental to your case and limit the legal strategies an attorney can employ in a lawsuit.
This is not an exhaustive list of the many ways a car accident lawyer can help you in your claim. We encourage you to give car accident lawyers a call today so that they can pursue the maximum amount of compensation for your car accident claim!