No matter if you have been involved in multiple accidents with other motor vehicles or if this is your first time, no motor vehicle accident is the same however, every motor vehicle accident can be very traumatizing. This is for the at fault driver and even the victim. when a motor vehicle accident occurs the people involved may have questions about what to do next. Most people have come in concerns, therefore it is important to know what those concerns may be and what to do when those concerns arise. We are going to discuss a few questions that are commonly asked but those involved in a motor vehicle accident or pursuing a motor vehicle accident personal injury claim, as a car accident lawyer in Atlanta, GA, like from Andrew R. Lynch, P.C., can explain.
Who pays for bills incurred due to my injuries or my accident? This is usually in typically the at fault party’s insurance company. There are some cases in which the adult party is not insured or does not have enough insurance, this is when your insurance comes into play. This is the benefit of uninsured motorist coverage or underinsured motorist coverage on your insurance policy.
Can I file a claim against the at up party without hiring an attorney? Absolutely. While Attorneys do lighten the load they are completely optional. Personal injury attorney is also offering free consultations so if you are up for some of the claims on your own you can contact an attorney to ask questions throughout your claim.
Do I receive compensation if I am at fault? This depends solely on the evidence in your case. In many cases if you are in any way responsible for the accident you may not be compensated. This is why it is important to her both health and car insurance.
What if I do not have health insurance, do I seek treatment? Absolutely. If you were anyone you know has been involved in an accident in his life, suffer any sort of injury and seek treatment as soon as possible. This is always highly recommended no matter who is at fault. And, if you are the victim in this case chances are the airport money will be held responsible and in the end of your settlement all of your medical expenses due to the accident will be covered.
There are several other questions that one may have when they are involved in a motor vehicle accident. Contact an attorney to answer your questions as soon as possible.