Hiring a caterer for an event may not always result in a pleasant outcome. It is a catering company’s responsibility to provide edible food for all guests, and if you or a guest gets food poisoning at the fault of a caterer, you may be entitled to compensation for injuries.
In cases of food poisoning due to faulty cooking or food provided by a catering company, it is likely that it is the catering company’s fault. There are many steps to effective catering, and if any one of those steps are done carelessly, then food contamination is possible. Catering companies usually distribute food to large quantities of people and any form of negligence that results in food poisoning of any one individual can be cause for a lawsuit.
Signs of Food Poisoning
It is important to know the signs of food poisoning before placing fault on a catering company. Food poisoning symptoms may begin hours after consuming the contaminated food, or days after. The symptoms may last anywhere from hours to days, and may include:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Fever
You may need to seek medical attention if the food poisoning symptoms persist for an extended period time, or if you experience any of the following:
- Blood in vomit or stool
- Extreme cramping
- Inability to keep liquids down
- Signs of dehydration
- Muscle weakness, blurry vision, or tingling of the arms
Immediate food poisoning symptoms include nausea and upset stomach directly after eating the food, and if symptoms continue, it is likely the fault of the catering company.
If you decide to pursue a lawsuit against a caterer for food poisoning, it is imperative to see a doctor to confirm that it is food poisoning to use as evidence in your case; then seen the counsel of a Personal Injury Lawyer residents count on.
Suing a Caterer for Food Poisoning
If a catering company did not do their job correctly and is directly correlated to food poisoning, then they are liable for the injuries. This may also result in a breach of contract, so you may not have to pay the caterer for their defective services. If you decide to pursue a lawsuit against a caterer, it is important to act as quickly as possible. It is typically easier to prove your case if the trial is done sooner rather than later. Go to a medical professional to confirm the signs of food poisoning; the medical records will hold greater value in court than personal claims of food poisoning.
While pursuing a lawsuit against a caterer, one must prove that the food provided was in fact contaminated, and that it was the direct cause of food poisoning. Going to a medical professional immediately following symptoms will ensure better evidence against the company, and may validate any legal claims you have against the catering company in court.
It is the catering company’s responsibility to provide quality service to their client. Any case of faulty prepping, cooking, or storage of food can result in contamination. Food poisoning due to a caterer should be handled quickly to ensure proper compensation to the victim.